Russian Federation
The key role of St. Petersburg (Leningrad) State University in the development of soil science as a science is undoubted. The founders of the scientific school of soil science at St. Petersburg State University (LSU) are P. A. Zemyatchensky, V. V. Okhotin, N. I. Prokhorov. It was at Leningrad State University that for the first time in the country, admission to the specialty “Soil Science” was opened. The world's first textbook “Soil Science” was published at Leningrad State University (1933). Over the years of its existence, the Department of Soil Science (hereinafter referred to as soil science and engineering geology) has trained more than a dozen highly qualified certified specialists.
1. Boychenko P. O., Lysenko M. P. In memory of Veniamin Vasilyevich Okhotin / Soil science and engineering geology. Collection of articles edited by P. O. Boychenko. Leningrad: Publishing house of Leningrad University, 1964, pp. 5—16. (in Russian)
2. Vasily Mikhailovich Knatko (dedicated to his 80th birthday).Geoecology, engineering geology, hydrogeology, geocryology, 2011, No. 2, pp. 188—189. (in Russian)
3. Vernadsky V. I. About science. Volume 1. Scientific knowledge. Scientific creativity. Scientific thought. Dubna: Fenix, 1997, 576 p. (in Russian)
4. Soils and soils in road construction: Field and laboratory studies of the Research Road Bureau of the Center for Road Transport. Collection of the Department of Highways and Unpaved Roads of the NKPS TSUMT. V. 13, Moscow: 2nd typography of Transport Publishing House of People’s Commissariat for Lines of Communication, 1926, 339 p. (in Russian)
5. Road researches. Proceedings of the Highway Research Bureau. People’s Commissariat for Lines of Communication, Central Bureauof Local Transport. V. 19, Leningrad, 1928, 226 p. (in Russian)
6. Kayukova E. P. 100 years of the Leningrad school of soil science. Science and technology: Questions of history and theory: Proc. of the 43th Int. annual conference, V. 38, St. Petersburg: SPbF IHNT RAS; Skifia-print, 2022, pp. 156—157. (in Russian)
7. Kayukova E. P. 100 years of the Leningrad school of soil science. Soil science. 2023, No. 2 (21), pp. 53—61. (in Russian)
8. Konstantinova L. V., Titova E. S., Petrov A. M., Shtykhno D. A. On some positive trends in the development of university science in Russia at the present stage. Higher education in Russia, 2024, V. 33, No. 4, pp. 101—122. (in Russian)